Monday, December 31, 2012

End Of The Season Report

It's been some time since we last posted, but here is a recap of the how the season ended.

In Numidia, Pennsylvania we qualified 3rd right behind teammate Frank Capone. First round, Gary Douglass was in the opposing lane. We cut a 0.074 RT and ran a 8.622 ET for the win. Second round, we were staged against Joey Thomspson. The bike had an amazing 0.000 RT and ran a 8.691 ET to win the race. Third round we had the bye which put us into the finals against teammate Frank Capone. The bike ran a 8.586 ET against Franks 8.608 ET but Frank beat us on the tree with a 0.011 RT against our 0.094.

Back in Rockingham for the second time this year, we qualified in 3rd with a 8.391 ET. In the first round we met up against Justin Collier. The bike ran a quick 8.487 ET for the win over Colliers 10.948 ET. The next round we were paired up with Hank Stanton. From the line we both red lit, but because Stantons red light was before ours we won the second round. In the third round we had another red light issue against Joey Thompson, which ended our day of racing. Thomspon went on to race teammate Frank Capone in the finals. Thompon red lit handing Capone the victory and the 1st place finish.

With the season all wrapped up teammate Frank Capone was first in points and winner of the Pro Modified Division. The HeadBlade Racing team came in 3rd in points just behind Joey Thompson. It was a great year of racing, and we can't wait to see everyone next year.

Thanks to all our supporters and sponsors. Congratulations to Frank Capone and his team. Have a wonderful New Year and we'll see you again shortly.