Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thanks To Everyone From The HeadBlade Reno's Racing Team

I would first like to start by saying thanks to the race fans, sponsors, and the racing community as a whole. I've been racing in the AHDRA for 12 seasons now and I think the time has come for me to retire. It's been a great experience; racing with friends, spending time at the track, and being on the road are just some of the things that really made racing a passion of mine.

Starting in the Pro Modified division in 2000 we followed the advance of the class into the evolution of Pro Stock in 2007. While in Pro Stock we won National Championships in 2008, 2009, and 2011. We also had a runner up for National Champion in 2010. In 2012 we were given the opportunity to race in the Pro Modified division with Frank Capone. With a successful season in 2012, teammate Frank Capone won the national championship and we followed in 3rd. We appreciated the hospitality of Frank and his crew and we couldn't have thought of a better way to close our racing career.

Its been a great time on the track, but all good things must come to an end. We've been extremely fortunate to have Todd Green the owner of The HeadBlade Company supporting us for 12 seasons. Not only was Todd a great member of The HeadBlade Racing Team, he was also a great friend. We have had a great relationship for 12 years, and have made great strides to be constant performers on the track. We would like to wish The HeadBlade Company and Frank Capone the best of luck in the coming years.

I would also like to thank some very special people for their support through the years:

The HeadBlade Company / Todd Green
S&S Cycle / Steve Rominski
SA Racing / Steve Alstead
CP Pistons / Snake
Hampton Roads Harley Davidson / The Cox Family

I want to thank my wonderful family for their support, my beautiful wife, Kim Reno, for her constant understanding, and my crew chief Ricky Stewart. A very special thanks to my mother Jane Reno, for being influential in my life and allowing me to follow my dreams in racing and motorcycles.

Monday, December 31, 2012

End Of The Season Report

It's been some time since we last posted, but here is a recap of the how the season ended.

In Numidia, Pennsylvania we qualified 3rd right behind teammate Frank Capone. First round, Gary Douglass was in the opposing lane. We cut a 0.074 RT and ran a 8.622 ET for the win. Second round, we were staged against Joey Thomspson. The bike had an amazing 0.000 RT and ran a 8.691 ET to win the race. Third round we had the bye which put us into the finals against teammate Frank Capone. The bike ran a 8.586 ET against Franks 8.608 ET but Frank beat us on the tree with a 0.011 RT against our 0.094.

Back in Rockingham for the second time this year, we qualified in 3rd with a 8.391 ET. In the first round we met up against Justin Collier. The bike ran a quick 8.487 ET for the win over Colliers 10.948 ET. The next round we were paired up with Hank Stanton. From the line we both red lit, but because Stantons red light was before ours we won the second round. In the third round we had another red light issue against Joey Thompson, which ended our day of racing. Thomspon went on to race teammate Frank Capone in the finals. Thompon red lit handing Capone the victory and the 1st place finish.

With the season all wrapped up teammate Frank Capone was first in points and winner of the Pro Modified Division. The HeadBlade Racing team came in 3rd in points just behind Joey Thompson. It was a great year of racing, and we can't wait to see everyone next year.

Thanks to all our supporters and sponsors. Congratulations to Frank Capone and his team. Have a wonderful New Year and we'll see you again shortly.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Bristol Bristol Bristol!!!

   Bristol Tennessee never seizes to amaze. With the gear and bikes packed up, we made our way south into the beautiful state of Tennessee. As you know from the previous post this race was scheduled to take place on Friday and Saturday. Well lets just say things didn't go as planned.
   Friday afternoon, the bike was ready to come off the lift and make it's first pass of qualifying. Just a few minutes before the first round of qualifying started, the clouds turned an evil grey and rain began to pour down everywhere. The storm was so severe it put a total halt to everything.
   Saturday morning rolls around and now it's time to really focus. Not only will we be qualifying but we will also be racing, the same day. The bike receives a thorough look over before the first round of qualifying and we're ready to go. After two rounds of qualifying our best ET was 8.857s at 152mph. Though we were towards the top of the list for speed we qualified 7th just behind Bruce Chandler. Teammate Frank Capone however had a stunning 2nd place qualifying ET of 8.643s at 154mph. With the bikes running great, we were sure to send the other racers packing.
   Eliminations finally rolled around later on in the day. First round we were paired up with Henry Stanton, winner of the Pro Modified Race May 6th 2012 in Rockingham. The bike cut a .054s RT and ran a 8.724s ET at 152mph, beating Stanton who ran a 8.882s ET. With the first round behind us, it was back to the pits to prepare for round two.
   Round two of the Pro Modified division was called to the staging lanes. This time we were lined up next to Joey Thompson, who went on to win this event by beating Frank Capone in the final elimination. The bike was running great and this pass was sure to be a fast one. We left the line with a .080s RT and chased down Thompson. The bike was screaming down the track, but unfortunately we ran out of track. We both posted the same ET, a blistering 8.650. Unfortunately for us Thompson had the better reaction time, a .024s RT.
   Though our compressed Saturday of racing was over we were there to support teammate Frank Capone. Frank went on to race in the finals against Joey Thompson, but was eliminated by Thompson's ET of 8.666s at 150mph.

   Congratulations to all the racers and fans who made it to Bristol and stuck out the poor weather. Be on the lookout for the HeadBlade Capone Racing Team in a town near you!

    The next AHDRA event will be held in Woodburn Oregon this weekend! Gates open Friday August 24th. Qualifying will be held on the 25th and racing starts the 26th! Come out and support your favorite race team!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bristol Here We Come!

   It's that time again. We're going over the checklist as we pack up the bikes and the gear for some racing in Tennessee. After a long break due to the heat wave in Oklahoma we are ready to hit the track. The HeadBlade Capone racing team took a one two finish in Ohio, so be on the look out for some fast times this weekend. Racing starts this Friday, August 3rd.
   If you're in the area come on out and see us, we will be the team in victory.

Bristol Race Information

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One-Two In Ohio!!! See You In Oklahoma!!!

    Thursday night, bags were packed and we were heading to Norwalk, Ohio. We pulled into the track Friday and did the usual setup. Debating on test and tune, we decided against it knowing we had a solid bike and it would hold its own into qualifying.   Noon time on Saturday Pro Modifieds were called to the staging lanes. Round one of qualifying went extremely smooth. The bike, in the right hand lane, left the line with a .008 RT and crossed the line at 150mph with a 8.600 ET. Round two after a few changes in the pit and now in the left hand lane, the bike had a .051 RT with a 8.783 ET at 153mph. The last qualifying pass, back in the right hand lane, was fast with a 8.586 ET crossing the line at 152mph but at the line the bike red lit. Qualifying in the fourth position was a solid end to the day, with some minor adjustments we would be ready to take on anyone Sunday.
   In qualifying we learned the bike was finally balanced correctly and going as straight as ever. We also learned that the left hand lane was noticeably slower than the right lane. We played with clutch adjustments for the left lane but there was more to it then we thought.
   Sunday afternoon it's time for racing. Tire pressure is checked, bike is fueled, and we're in the zone to ride straight into victory lane. First round we met Bruce Chandler in the opposing lane. We had the right hand lane so we knew the bike would fly down the track. Though the .098 RT wasn't anything to write home about, the bike made a killer 8.573 ET at 151mph. Chandler ran a 8.690 ET, with one win under our belt we were back in the pits preparing for round 2. With the track heating up and the humidity getting even higher it was time for round 2. As we staged up in the left hand lane, Henry Stanton was staging in the right lane. Things were looking interesting because not only are we in the left lane, Stanton was the number one qualifier with a 8.52 ET. The lights dropped and the bike took off with a .024 RT. The bikes were side by side as we crossed the finished line. The bike posted a 8.640 ET at 160mph, which was just enough to knock out Stanton who ran a 8.647 ET. As the sun drops the Pro Modified Finals are called to the staging lane. In the left we were prepared to face none other than the owner of the Head Blade Machine, Frank Capone. There's no way to describe the feeling of drag racing a motorcycle, but there's definitely no way to explain the feeling of racing your teammate for the podium. The bikes stage and the lights come down. The bike cut an amazing .008 RT but there was an unfortunate bog in the motor coming off the start line. It cost us precious time. Capone went on to out run us. We finished with a 8.656 ET compared to Capones 8.554 ET.
   Though we didn't take number 1, we were glad to celebrate an amazing weekend with the Capone HeadBlade Racing Machines taking a one-two finish in the Pro Modified Division.

   The Head Blade Machine is currently with Capone in Massachusetts, so the photos of our trophy were taken here around the shop in Virginia. Congratulations Frank! Next time we won't be so easy on you!

   Be on the look out, Capone HeadBlade Racing is here to win. Catch us next weekend at the Mid-West Nitro Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Getting It Straight In Atco

   Earlier in the season we had some issues getting the bike to go down the track nice and straight. In Rockingham we lightened up the left side of the bike by removing some excess material from the clutch housing. This improved the ride of the bike but it was still suffering from a slight pull to the left. Ricky got down to basics and began investigating the general weight placement on the bike. After some close observations and shifting of weight, the bike was running straight as an arrow.
   Friday in practice the air was good and the track was great. The bike was really on the move. We ran a 8.45s E/T that day, and so did teammate Frank Capone. This was winning weekend in the making.
   Saturday in qualifying we made a 8.56s pass first round. After inspection the qualifying pass was disqualified, the bike was under weight by just a few pounds. It was a simple mistake. After losing the weight from the left side no weight was added in its place to keep the bike legal. After making the need weight adjustments we closed out qualifying with a 8.68s run, putting us in 5th.
   Sunday morning, the sun was rising on a beautiful day in Atco, NJ. Eliminations were soon to start. Everyone was in full race mode. First round was called and before you know it we were in the burnout box. The bike fired and really sounded ready for victory lane. After getting the tire nice and sticky the bike found it's way to the pre-stage. Now staged up and ready to go the yellow lights flash and we're tearing down the track. In the next lane over was Bruce Chandler, 4th in qualifying. He ran right out and beat us to the 60 foot mark, but we ran him down on the big end and crossed the line just a hair in front.
   What was thought to be a solid victory was sadly a loss. We red lighted on the launch and Chandler knocked us out of the running.
   Teammate Frank Capone found himself facing Chandler in the finals. Capone also red lighted against Chandler and he won the Pro Modified division event in Atco, NJ. Chandler won the event remarkably by keeping his head in the game and staying focused. Every rider he faced red lighted and eventually put him in victory lane. So congratulations to him and we'll see you soon!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't Blink Or You'll Miss The Action

   How's it going everyone! We're gearing up for another exciting weekend. We're heading north to Atco Raceway to make some noise and win some races. The bikes were a little sluggish in Rockingham due to poor air conditions, but we're looking at mid 70's in New Jersey. Get ready for some crazy speed and quick ET's!
   We made some adjustments to the bike over the past weeks and we're hoping in practice tomorrow they'll pay off. The Pro Mod class had some fierce competition in Rockingham but the HeadBlade Capone Racing machine is ready to dominate the track!
   Stick around we'll have more to come when we get settled in Atco.